Financial Planning Association Malaysia (FPAM) advocates that practising financial professionals across all disciplines must always strive to maintain their technical competence and fulfil the profession’s ethical obligations. Our continuing education courses for our Associate and Certified Members also strive to provide professionals from the financial industry with knowledge and understanding of Financial Planning and its related activities. Our courses are recognized by both SC and BNM for continuing education requirements.
We are Malaysia’s leading association for financial planning with the goal of equipping individuals with applicable skills and knowledge of finance management.
To establish financial planning as a recognized profession by promoting excellence in the sector for the benefit of all Malaysians.
To make the globally-renowned CFP CERT TM the leading symbol of excellence for personal financial planning in Malaysia.
Designed to allow interactive presentation between facilitator and participants, Q&A (via audio & chat), screen sharing and recorded sessions for members’ portal.
eLearning hosting and support by Pukunui Malaysia