Course image FPAM Disciplinary Rules & Procedures for FPAM members
FPAM Members Governance Document
Course Complex (parent): No
Course Complex (child): No

FPAM’s Model Disciplinary Rules and Procedures

FPAM investigates allegations of misconduct received or discovered about a FPAM members that may indicate a violation of FPAM’s Governance Documents, and discipline a FPAM members for violations of these standards through the Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for FPAM members.

FPAM’s Vision

To establish financial planning as a recognized profession through the promotion of excellence in financial planning for the benefit of all Malaysians

FPAM’s Mission

To make the globally-renowned CFPCERT TM the leading symbol of excellence for personal financial planning in Malaysia.

Course image FPAM Members Governance Document
FPAM Members Governance Document
Course Complex (parent): No
Course Complex (child): No

FPAM MEMBERS GOVERNANCE PAPERS UPDATED In August 2021 by Management Office (MO), following an exposure draft to members, had finalised the draft of the following documents: 

1. Code of Ethics

2. Rules of Conduct 

3. Best Practices 

4. Proper Usage of the CFP Mark 

The alignment of these documents is to guide all members as financial professionals