FPAM’s Model Disciplinary Rules and Procedures
FPAM investigates allegations of misconduct received or discovered about a FPAM members that may indicate a violation of FPAM’s Governance Documents, and discipline a FPAM members for violations of these standards through the Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for FPAM members.
FPAM’s Vision
To establish financial planning as a recognized profession through the promotion of excellence in financial planning for the benefit of all Malaysians
FPAM’s Mission
To make the globally-renowned CFPCERT TM the leading symbol of excellence for personal financial planning in Malaysia.
FPAM MEMBERS GOVERNANCE PAPERS UPDATED In August 2021 by Management Office (MO), following an exposure draft to members, had finalised the draft of the following documents:
1. Code of Ethics
2. Rules of Conduct
3. Best Practices
4. Proper Usage of the CFP Mark
The alignment of these documents is to guide all members as financial professionals